We are proud to be carrying on the blood of the legendary Quarter Horse.
These horses have it all; brains, temperament, stamina, speed and so much more. They are extremely reliable and have the heart to take you to the finish line in whatever the discipline you chose.
Own and ride a piece of history!

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King was blood bay and he had a magnificent hair coat. When he shed out in the spring, gold flecks appeared giving him an unusual sheen. He was quick to learn, easy to get along with and possessed plenty of cow sense. King at maturity stood between 14.2 and 15 hands, well muscled and weighed from 1,150 to 1,200 pounds. His excellent confirmation became the standard for the Quarter Horse breed. He was greatly admired for his outstanding disposition and willingness. For years Jess Hankins advertised King as the cornerstone of the breed.... In retrospect, an apt description.
The Foundation Quarter Horse is easily recognized by his body shape and unique conformation. He is more horse for the height than found in any other breed.
Built low to the ground, much of the time he does not exceed 15 hands, but due to his build will often weigh 1,200 pounds or more. The pattern of his muscles adorns nearly every part of his body. There is his small alert ear, wide set, honest, bright eye that windows his great intelligence and kindness, bulging jaw, neck or moderate length joined low into his slopping shoulder, topped by a well
defined wither.
A short back with strong loin, deep barrel with long underline, well sprung ribs with a great heart girth. The space between the forelegs is ample to supply for a wide, well developed chest, while the forearms, gaskins and hindquarters carry the muscle that separates the Foundation Quarter Horses from all the others.
Seen from the rear, the power filled stifles are wider than the croup. The bones of the Foundation Quarter Horses are trim, dense and sturdy. His rugged frame is necessary to support the bulk that provides his strength. The cannon bones are short and flat set above strong pasterns. The foot is deep with open heel, well rounded with sufficient size. When under observation, the animal displays his divine design.
-Dillon Shook

A special Thank You to our photographers
for beautifully capturing our beloved animals!
MK Studios
Steph Hounsell